Trinary Science

Chapter 05.00
Trinary Space

C®pyRight & C©pyLeft

Jeffrey Scott Flesher

Medically Retired United States Air Force Staff Sergeant

Last Update: 27 January 2019

Rodney Hue Remelin


Chapter 5
Trinary Space

When I talk about Space, I am talking about all 3 Dimensions plus the 0 Dimension, and I do not use terms like Width, Height and Depth, at the Subatomic level these terms mean nothing to Scientist, so I will define Trinary Space in terms of Trinary Logic, Trinary Dimensions and Trinary Light. There are 3 types of Space seen in Table 5.1: Trinary Space:

  1. Positive
  2. Ground
  3. Negative
Table 5.1: Trinary Space

The Types of Space are stated in terms of Energy, in the 1st Dimension Binary Logic dictates if it will be Positive or Negative, so the Positive space is a choice, and the Negative space is the default, but this Space always exists in 3D, as do the others, so it always exists as Positive space, on a 2D Graph this is a line above the Ground or 0 Dimension, where Ground is Invisible state where all Physical movement of Atoms take place, and Negative is the Default State of Energy, all Energy Flows from Negative to Positive, unless the decision is made in the 1st Dimension to start it off in the Positive State, we see this in Electronic Circuits that can alter the direction of flow, such that it can alter it to flow from positive to negative, but by default it will always flow from Ground to Negative to Positive, this can be viewed in 2D or 3D, but we are talking about Space.

To avoid Confusion I talk about Space and Dimensions in Space, but Dimensions are Not Space, Space is made up of Dimensions, and there are 3 States Space can be in, in terms of Energy, but the term Space is confusing, are we talking about the Space we live in, which is true, but we are talking about it at the Subatomic level, we can refer to Space as being Empty, meaning it has no material in it, and we can also say that Space can be Void for a reason, it is because it can be Null Space, meaning that the space is in the 0 Dimension, but that is breaking Space into Dimensions, and Space is created by Dimensions, so do not confuse the concepts, Trinary Space is talking about Dimensions of Space, as well as its Polarity in terms of Energy, because that Space changes Polarity all the time, you can not find a single unit of Space at the Atomic Level that does not have a Polarity, just to make this point clear, we have not talked about Atoms yet, which did not stop me as using them as references, because I assume we all know what Atoms are, maybe not Trinary Atoms, but that Chapter is coming, for now we need to understand that every Atom in the Universe does not physically come into contact with others around it, that much is clear in current Science of the day, so I must assume that who ever is reading this has some concept about the Subject of Atoms, their entire body is made of them, yet the concept of one of those Atoms in Space is confusing to them, for anyone including myself, because we can not see an Atom with our naked eye, we can visualize it, imagine it, but we can get confused about its orientation in the Universe, for example: if I take one Atom, and we look at the Space it occupies in the Universe, we will notice that this Atom has 3 State Changes, the Trinary Logic is that the Trinary Dimensions change the States, so as it does, the polarity of that space also changes, and this is true even if an Atom is not in that space, and that space is empty, not Void or Null mind you, but just Empty as in there is no Atoms in that Space, yet that Trinary Space still has Polarity State Changes, which means that all Space if viewed at the Subatomic Level, is all pointing at different directions as far as Energy travels, and its only when we break down Space into units the size of an Atom, does this begin to be understandable.

Space is made up of individual Dimensions that coexist at the same time, where an atom only exists in phases, and humans only interact with them when they are in the 3rd Dimension where all 3 types of Space exist, so even though humans believe that every object is solid, the fact is that it is not, since a ratio of Atoms will be in the 0 State of Invisibility, when in reality the Neutrino still exist and occupies that null, void or empty space I call the 0 Dimension, it just does not have the Space to view it in 3D, so remember that each type of space is a single Dimension, and do not confuse Space with the 1st, 2nd or 3rd Dimension, these do not actually coincide with the actual dimension that Atoms are in, it has to do with orientation of the magnetic poles of the Atom, such that space can be oriented by polarity, because Atoms only exists in 3D as they pass through the dimensions of space. This is hard for most people to understand because humans can only see things in the 3rd Dimension, and can not see anything in any one dimension at a time, they only see the effect of dimension shifting, and not the individual dimensions, but as a whole as if 3D is only a dimension, instead of 3 dimension, and in the 0 Dimension no space exist, so it is invisible, so the Cartesian coordinate system will not work in single dimensions, because of the way the Universe is related to Space; for example: humans know that the Moon orbits the Earth which orbits the Sun which orbits the Galaxy which orbits clusters of Galaxies and so on, and all at the same time, and everything seems to have a Direction. We view that direction as if we were traveling in an ellipse or circle, and traveling counterclockwise if viewed from our magnetic north, yet in the 0 dimension, nothing moves, logic states that it needs a dimension to move in, so from the point of view of the 0 dimension, the Universe is Static, as in it does not move, it is only the Matter and Antimatter that Move around the 0 Dimension, but can only be seen in the 3rd Dimension, so we only see it when it is not moving, and it is because of the Nature of Energy, which has 3 State changes just like the space it occupies seen in Table 5.2: Trinary Space States:

  1. Positive: +1
  2. Ground: 0
  3. Negative: -1
Table 5.2: Trinary Space States

Now it should be clear that the Polarity of the Atom can change the Polarity of the Space it exists in, but it is actually the Trinary Energy that change that Polarity, so you will find that there are two types of Polarity in Space: Trinary Energy and Atoms Polarity, the Trinary Energy we will talk about in later chapters, will cause the Atom to change Polarity, so it is driving the change, so Trinary Space is an Important Concept to understand, because this is how we observer the Universe at the Subatomic level of Science.

Since the Universe has 3 Dimensions, it is in 3D, but humans tend to view Energy flow like Electricity in a 2D graph seen in the below Illustration 5.1: Trinary Space Helix 2D:

Trinary Space Helix 2D
Illustration 5.1: Trinary Space Helix 2D Full Size

This is called a Trinary Space Helix, this type of graph is a typical Sine Wave, but we are only talking about empty Space, so imagine that this is Trinary Light, and this is the mass-less Light that has 3 State Changes, we see it starting on the 0 Line of the Graph, this is invisible in the 0 Dimension, the Logic level is Unary, it makes the decision to start out Positive, and heading to a Positive or +1 State Change, then it moves back to the 0 Line of the Graph, then heads to a Negative or -1 State Change, this is Trinary Logic, so we can apply what we have learned about Trinary Logic to this graph, and we know from Trinary Dimensions that these State changes move through the Dimensions of Trinary Space, but in 2D it is hard to understand that this is actually a Helix, which is a 3D concept, this means to graph it, we must view it as 3D, see below Illustration 5.2: Trinary Space Helix 3D:

Trinary Space Helix 3D
Illustration 5.2: Trinary Space Helix 3D Full Size

The Trinary Space Helix 3D is far easier to visualize a Helix, as Energy flows from Ground, it starts in the 0 Dimension, this is the Center Line on the 2D graph, and the middle of this Helix in 3D, it has a Positive line above it, and a Negative line below it, if this is an Atom; which includes: Proton, Neutron or an Electron, it will always start in the 0 Dimension, and it is invisible, since it has no dimensions that can be seen, so in the 3D graph, we can see that the 0 or Ground line is empty, and as it shifts or phases into the Positive or Negative potential, it moves around the Helix, even though it looks like a Sine-wave in 2D, it is traveling through the 1st Dimension, and into the 2nd dimension, this is why it appears to be Semi-Solid, before it shifts into the Positive Potential and into the 3rd dimension, where it appears to be Solid.

If you view the graph above, you will note that 3D has 3 orientations as seen in Table 5.3: Space Orientations:

  1. Width
  2. Height
  3. Depth
Table 5.3: Space Orientations

It should be clear that at the Atomic Level of Science, these orientations have no meaning, it is only at the Macro Level of Objects does this aspect of Dimensions comes into play, and I repeat this here, because it becomes clear why this is, the polarity of that Space is always changing, and so would these Labels, if we view Width as having the North end up and South down, we can visualize its Height and Depth, but they are constantly changing, making that concept useless, but looking at the X, Y and Z still works, but at the Macro level of objects, the way Trinary Space is constantly changing Polarity, does not affect the direction of the Object if it is at rest or moving, this concept is key to understanding Trinary Space, because Trinary Light and Trinary Atoms are spinning around, yet they do not seem to move in Trinary Space.

Most people view the Light as being shot out of a Flashlight like a bullet, and it is because of the Science they use to explain it. In Trinary Science we know that when an Electron's frequency is raised to the point where it transforms into Light, it enters the 0 Dimension, as seen in the 3D illustration above, so it is invisible, we do not see the Photon move, but when it shifts into the default -1 phase, it moves through the 1st Dimension, and into the 2nd dimension, this is its Semi-Solid State, it goes from being invisible to levels of opaqueness, and when it moves to a +1 phase, it is in the 3rd dimension, and it appears to have moved, but in reality, it was just the Galaxy moving through the Universe, so it is like a Fishing Pole with its line being the Light, it hooks the 0 Dimension, and is dragged across the Universe in the Direction that the Light is taking it, so it should now be clear why I said that dimensions of space to not have direction in terms of orientation in the dimensions less than 3, so they do not map to Width, Depth or Height to them, they simple travel in the direction they need to, but the Light does not Move through space like a bullet, it is not moving at all, yet the only time the Neutrinos actually moves is in the 0 Dimension, because an Atom can not move through the 3D Space, they would burn up, that is just a fact, if you speed them up in an Atomic Accelerator you can prove this, that is why they must phase, even in an Atomic Accelerator these Atoms are still going through these State Changes, in fact those rates will increase the faster the Atom travels, it is changing its frequency, the closer to the Speed of Light it gets, the closer its Frequency gets to changing into Light, because an Electron is just a Photon at a higher frequency, so we start to understand Atoms and why they have 3 State Changes, without them nothing could move, and it only does so according to its: Frequency, Speed, and Direction, and that is all based on the State Changes of Trinary Energy that effects the logic in all the Dimensions of Trinary Space.

Trinary Space can be proven to be science because we have observable evidence it exists, it explains why Atoms phase from 3 State Changes, it explains how Trinary Logic and Trinary Dimensions create Trinary Space, so I state this is a Fact and not a Theory, because so far all Trinary Science is based on Observable evidence, that has been verified by countless scientist over the decades, and the logic and reasoning behind the science is sound, and it follows all the Laws of Physics, and works with all Newtonian Math, so this is Real Science, and its very important to understand this at the end of each chapter, since the next one will be explaining concepts that were just mentioned in previous chapters, so you must make sure you understand each concept, so you will not get lost in the next chapter, so to conclude: Trinary Space is viewed as Atomic size units of Space in which Atoms can move through, and movement is a very subjective point of view, most people will look under a microscope and state that the room they are in is not moving, when in fact the Earth is spinning at over a thousand miles an hour, so the room is moving, it is all relative to our reference of Space, and Trinary Space takes that concept to the next level, because it is proof that nothing moves in the 0 Dimension, yet in the next chapter Trinary Atoms, I will prove that Atoms only Appear to Move in the 0 Dimension, in reality, we are the ones moving through the Trinary Universe at the Speed of Light, and it is only once you fully understand Trinary Space does this begin to become the true science of Space.

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