- Title Page
- Abstract
- Acknowledgments
- Chapter 1: Introduction to Trinary
- Chapter 2: Trinary Logic
- Chapter 3: Trinary Dimensions
- Chapter 4: Trinary Light
- Chapter 5: Trinary Space
- Chapter 6: Trinary Atoms
- Chapter 7: Trinary Energy
- Chapter 7.1: Trinary Energy Fire Resonant Frequency
- Chapter 8: Trinary Engine
- Chapter 9: Trinary Universe
- Chapter 9.1 Evolution of a Galaxy
- Chapter 9.2 How the Earth Works
- Chapter 10: Trinary Life
- Chapter 11: History of Trinary States
- Chapter 12: Trinary Science
- Chapter 13: The Future of Trinary Science
- Table of Terms
- CopyLeft
- CopyRight
- Atom
- Trinary
- Table of References
- Reference Links for Trinary Science
- Galileo Galilei
- Johannes Kepler
- Sir Isaac Newton
- Edmond Halley
- Benjamin Franklin
- Isaac Newton Flesher
- Benjamin Franklin Flesher
- Nikola Tesla
- Albert Einstein
- Hans Asperger
- Jeffrey Scott Flesher
- Table of Illustrations
- Table of Tables
- Colophon