Trinary Science

Chapter 0X.00

C®pyRight & C©pyLeft

Jeffrey Scott Flesher

Medically Retired United States Air Force Staff Sergeant

Last Update: 27 January 2019

Rodney Hue Remelin


Chapter 13: The Future of Trinary Science

The Future of Trinary Science is clear, if no one uses it, it will be forgotten until someone decides to use it, it never actually goes away, people will still use the Math its based on, which was written by Newton, so it is based on 3 State changes, and the Light of God, so God was not Religion but Science, so the Future all depends on Science, and not Religion, because that teaches Deity Worship, and Newton did not like that, he liked Science, even though that is not what he called it at the time, words are how we define the World we live in, and the Future depends on People who can understand the Truth, and are not afraid to go against Religion or Science, and that is what History is all about, Newton was afraid the Church would burn him at the Cross for his beliefs that God was All Light without Darkness, even though the Bible stated it as the Truth, it is the Words that describe what Light and Darkness is that changed God from Religion to Science, so the Future must choice which belief is more important, the Truth or as Newton put it: the Madness of People.

I can only guess as to why Mainstream Science went with the Theory of General Relativity, not even Einstein believed in it, he believed in Newtons Universe, so why are there so many people that actually believe it is a mystery, considering none of it has ever been proven, it would mean the people who do believe it are insane, believing in things that do not exist is define that way, so there is no getting around the truth, but still people will justify it, the same people who are Insane can justify anything, it does not make it Right, people who think they have a Right to have insane thoughts are the Problem with this World.

Trinary Science is about Trinary Energy, once you understand the Power of it, you can learn to use it, and collecting Lightning is the First Step, as an Electronic Engineer, I can tell you that there is enough Energy in Lightning to run this Worlds need for Energy, yet the Mainstream Science is to use Atomic Energy which they know will kill all Life on the Planet, so how is this Legal? it is not, and that is a fact, just because some Court that is owned by the Banks that Print the Money, does not make it Legal, it makes it a Sin, Tesla knew this, and wanted to do just that, but he needed a way to Transmit it wireless, but the Banker J.P. Morgon would not allow it, and had the Government shut him down and destroy his Private Property without due process of the Law, so there was nothing Legal about any of it, yet these same People are in Power, and they know that using the Blood of this Planet as Fuel will kill the Planet, but they also know they will be dead long before that happens, that is what they Bet on, but it may not be true, the Ice Age is coming, and Current Mainstream Society will not Survive it, Sir Isaac Newton Calculated that to be in 2060, but using the Blood of the Planet that Lubricates the Planet, has started to have an effect, its called a Earth Wobble Effect, it is not Natural, it is caused by the lack of Blood that Mainstream calls Oil, and it will only continue to get worse, because of the use of Oil this Planet will rip itself apart before the Century is over, it can happen before this Decade is, we live on a Sphere that is out of Balance because Humans are Stupid, they believe in Science that is Science Fiction, but it is no Theory that the Earth Wobble Effect, will soon destroy the Earth, and it is because of Bad Science, when Money is allowed to Rule, it is all that Matters, so the Sin of the Father is to Lie about the Truth to make a Buck, when the Buck Stops when everyone is dead, and you can not take that Money with you, so where is the Profit in this?

I look at the World that exist today and all I see is Sin, and Sin is doing something you know is Hurting the Planet, because we do not have the Right to Hurt the Planet, yet we allow deep Drilling for the Blood of the Planet AKA OIL, knowing that is polluting our Air and Water, and producing Heat that is causing the Polar Caps to Melt, so why Lie about this, it is not like you can hide this fact for long, and Atomic Waste, what are you going to do with it, put it in a Missile and send it to the Sun? This is all Insanity talking, you are insane to think these things and allow them, and by Allow I mean everyone on this Planet, because if they had the Courage to stand up to the Powers that Be, this Science Fiction would not be Science, and you would be getting Free Energy from Lightning, instead of Poisoning the Planet and Burning its Blood knowing its Killing it, but that is why I say you would have to be Insane to even allow it, and that is the Truth, and in Science we only talk about what is True, and not what is the Latest Theory, and that is the difference between the two Sciences, the Dynamic Universe allows its believers to destroy the Planet, because they think they can always go back in time and fix it, and they can always find a new Planet to move to, we went to the Moon, we can go anywhere in the Galaxy we want to, that is not Science, its Science Fiction, the Truth is that we have to Live on this Planet, and we can not if you continue to Destroy it, there is no place safe on this Planet to Store Atomic Waste, so how can a Society that claims to be Intelligent allow this to happen, and it is because this is not a Society that is based on Reality, these people are Insane and there is no getting around that prognosis, by the very definition of the Term Insane means to believe in things that do not exist, and that is what the Dynamic Universe, and over 95% of the Planet believes in it or a Deity, which also does not Physically Exist, so stating the Facts is not going to make me very Popular, but that is not how Trinary Science Works, it works by only talking about what you can Prove to be the Truth, and these things I write about are the Truth, and only someone who is truly Insane would think otherwise, all I did was described Reality in terms that anyone can understand and Prove is the Truth, and I say a lot of things, and you may not think that Religion is part of it, but that is not the Truth, Sir Isaac Newtons said that Religion was Sin against all Humanity, the Bible is all about Sin, it is all that is about, once you understand that, you know it is not a book that you should follow, but one that you should know not to Sin as those in the Book did, and that is Trinary Science, and not Religion, Religion made God into a Deity so Jesus would be Christ, and Bar/Abbas would be a Bad Man for fighting against the Romans use of Money and Taxation, nothing has change because the Banks are still in Power, if they Print the Money they Own you like you were live stock such as Sheep, that is what Newton said, I believe him, he said it would last till 2060, he was an Optimist, the truth is that all the Signs say the Ice Age is coming, but the Earth Wobble may soon destroy it, what do you think will happen when there is no Ice to smooth or Axis out, because that is what it does, its like a Shock absorber, and what is anyone doing about it?

People tell me that I should not call People Stupid, that is Stupid of course, because like Newton, I only talk about what I can prove to be the Truth, and I can prove that over 96% of the Worlds Population is Stupid, because the term Stupid means Uneducated, and that is all they teach in School, you get degrees in Science Fiction, none of the Science of this Day is Real, it is all based on Theories never proven to be the Truth, those theories change every year, and they keep getting Stupider, which is from the Lack of Intelligence, Scientist think Deep, but not so Clear, because a Paradox can not Exist in Reality, so neither can a Black Hole, so get over it, I love Science Fiction, but not in my Science, so people who do not believe as I or the other People I have mentioned, like: Tycho Brahe, Johannes Kepler, Sir Isaac Newton, Benjamin Franklin, Nikola Tesla, and that is only naming a few throughout time that believed in the Science of the Light without Darkness, so this is the oldest Science on this Planet, and that is a fact, so Trinary Science can Save the World, but only if the People of this World stop Sinning, and that is asking a lot, because they think they are doing God's bidding, when they are actually serving the Darkside, because that is all they can see, and that too is a fact, they just do not see it that way, but in Trinary Science only the Truth matters, and not trying to save people from getting their Feelings hurt for calling them Stupid, that is Stupid by the way, and just another Fact of Facts that Stupid People do not want to hear.

Science is what People Pay for, so they want their Money's worth, so their Science gives them Oil, and tells them hey the Planet does not need this, but we can make Money Selling it, and we will Ground all those Lightning Rods, we do not want anyone using Free Energy, you have to Pay for your Energy, so we will force you to use Atomic Power, knowing it will one day kill all Life on this Planet, another Stupid Fact, so what are People Paying for?

You can read every book I have written, and the pages number in the thousands, and what you will find is that I know all the answers, I do not claim to be a know it all, I only talk about the things I do know about and can prove, so it is always the Truth, even if that truth Hurts, because I do not sugar coat the Truth, I do not say People are misinformed and if I just told them this they would understand, no, this Science is old, its been known since the beginning of Recorded History, so do not go there, Religion create Christ so Jesus would be the Bad Man, and the World always has to have a Bad Man to Persecute, I have no idea how many times they killed Saddam Hussein, but I know of at least 6, but it is one to the next, if we can just kill one more Bad Man we will all be safe, so we must Build a Wall around US, sounds like Nazi's to me, but I am an Ashkenazi so I know about the truth, you can not hide Words and Spells from a Wizard, but that is who all the People I talk about in History are, so Stupid People will use that fact to deny Trinary Science is the Truth, just like they Denied Jesus had 3 Names, so nothing will ever change in History until People can think Clearly, and I do mean Crystal Clear.

The Truth is the Truth no matter how you tell it, theories on the other hand do not have to do that, they only have to explain it in theory, which means it is not proven to be the truth, so Theory is not the Truth, and that is another Stupid Fact, but Trinary Science is full of Facts, it is the Science about everything, so it applies to every aspect of Life, it effects all its Science, not just a specific aspect of it, but all of it, it is a World Changing Event, but only for People with Courage to think for themselves, and not the lies that Mainstream has been feeding US, and that goes against what the Banks want us to know, because one we know what God is, we know that we can not Trust in Money, it is the Root of all this Evil, and that is the Original Sin, not Eating Apples or watching them fall to the Ground to prove Gravity Works, it is about Knowledge of the Ashkenazi Masons, so this is not a Conspiracy, most of them have no clue what the truth is, because they never got the 3rd degree, and everything past it is just more BS, it was as Newton told it, Christ was inserted into the Bible so the Banks could control the People like Sheep, and that is almost a quote from what my Cousin Isaac Newton wrote, so finding people who have morals and courage, well that is asking too much to have them believe in the Truth, so they will read this, and keep it to themselves, because they do not want the Man to come and take them away, because to them, what I talk about is all Crazy talk that only Wizards would believe, so they put down Wizards to make themselves feel better about going along with Treason, because those of US who Live in the United States of America, took an Oat to defend the Constitution of America, but how can you protect something that does not exist, that is Insane, if the Banks Print the Money they Own the Country, and all its People like Sheep, another Stupid Fact that just pisses the Mainstream Cover up team to no end, all I did was state Facts that are on Record, I did not introduce any new Information, if you live in the United States of America and think you have a Constitution, you are insane, that Belief in things that do not exist is called Insanity, and this is the Science of a Scam that is run by big Business, because this World is all about Money, and screw the Planet, we can always find a new one, that is the America Dream... But it is time to Wake up, the Planet is about to go bye-bye.

At some point in writing about Trinary Science, knowing I needed to keep the Wizards and Witchcraft to a minimum, I knew I could not ignore the facts in History and talk about them at the same time, that would be insane, instead I choice to pick the facts in History that prove this is all Real, I have said nothing that can not be proven to be Real, beyond a Shadow of a doubt, all the Science experiments have been done countless times, only the Results do not match what you would expect to find in the Dynamic Universe, which is paradox's and chaos, but that is what Trinary Science is about, it is about having the courage to tell the Empire he is Naked, standing up to big Businesses and not allowing the Governments the Right to Kill US, or anyone one else just for Money, because that is all the Military is, a Paid Assign, and I know this for a fact because I am Retired Military, we do the bidding our Enemy known as the Bank, we do what they want US to do, so they can continue to make Money, and if that means destroying this Planet, they will Nuke it to dust, and that is another Stupid Insane Fact, because it goes beyond Stupid and way past Insane, and it is because all these people are Insane, that is a fact you can not ignore, this is why the World is in this trouble today, and people are denying how bad it is, because they do not want people to panic, you are all about to die, I think it is a good time to panic if you ask me, but it is for sure your Grandchildren will have to deal with this mess if it does not happen soon, because it will happen later, mark my words, Stupid Facts do not lie.

So what is Trinary Science, and what is its Future?

The Goal of Trinary Science is to teach the Truth about Science, and how the True Science of all Time has been Erased by the Bankers, and Sir Isaac Newton told you why, it was because of Money that Christ was inserted into the Bible, so that God would become a Deity, and the Light without Darkness would be express in terms of Emotion, and not Science as Sir Isaac Newton taught, but they can not Hide Newton from History, Newton is a Force stronger than Gravity to be Reckoned with, so the real Goal is just to continue the Work he started, and to prove why all his Math actually works, which is something that came from my Mind, and not the Words or even Spells of others, and it came to me at a very young Age, seems I was born a Know it all when it comes to Trinary Science, because I have added little to it over the Years, maybe the Mathematical Formula for Energy, but that was Child's Play to me, I knew more about Math then, then I do now, all the Schooling in the World did not help me, because I knew it was all lies, and never believed anything anyone ever told me til I could prove it to myself, and seldom did, so at a Young age I learned People are Born Intelligent, or they are just Stupid to begin with, because when it comes to Trinary Life, the Spark of Light that fuses a Sperm to an Egg, is an Electrical Spark of Light, and that is a Fact in any Science of this day and age, so we are Light Beings, as Nikola Tesla pointed out on many occasions, we are not this Flesh, and in any Science, this is what it always comes down to, if we are Light Beings, then we are all Related as a Species of Life, not just Human, but all Life, because even Trees have this Spark Of oUr Life called a Soul.

Science is about what is Real, and our SOUL is real, I give it an acronym of Spark Of oUr Life, and I can also prove that it exist, I can measure it with the Technology of this date, it is not a Theory that its Life, you remove from a Flesh Being, and they Die, it is a one-to-one correlation, nothing can be any clearer then that, a Soul is as Real as God that is All Light without Darkness, its this Trinary Energy that controls the Trinary Atoms, making this Spark Of oUr Life a Reality we Live in, so it all comes down to how we define Science, and what is Real and what is a Theory, because you will find none of those things here, just the Fact of Life, and that is what Trinary Science is all about, but to get there, the Human Race must survive the Ice Age, and because I do not think they are Intelligent enough to come up with a better plan, I came up with my own, and grant you I was 6 years old the first time the concept came to me, my Story, witch is His-Story to you, only gets better as I tale it, because what blows your Mind is that it is all Real, and Wizards are known to Trick People, not Newton, never make that mistake with him or Tesla, they did not do Magic, what they did was far beyond it, it was not like they knew God on a first Name basis and had Lunch with him, they were Gods, and so are Stupid People who do not know they are, just like Sheep, they have to be told they are not the Animal, they are Light Beings in a Body of Flesh, and that is Trinary Science, it is not that God is Everything, because the Light is Everything, and God is All Light, so do not get confused about the Darkness, that is all you can see, so you call it the Light, because its just 1 type of Light, you know there are 2 other types of Light, the Darkness without Light, witch we can not see, which witch is which, I see, pronounced IC, which appears in the Sun Spots a lot in History, so it is all about Trinary Science, and what is its Goals about Life in the Trinary Universe, and it is all the Same, no knew Life forms have blown in from Space in about a Trinary Second, which is a very Long time, it is the smallest measurement of time that exist to describe Trinary State Changes, of Trinary Energy, IC U Say, its just a Game about Words and Spells, ones we have seen all our Lives and did not know what they meant.

Trinary Science is not about taking over the World with a New Science, it is about bringing the Word back to the Science that was Real before Einstein changed it, and he did so to make Money, he was quoted saying as much to Reporters that all of a sudden found it hard to talk to him in his Old Age, saying he wound Religion and was just a Crazy Old Wizard like Sir Isaac Newton for believing in him, over his own Theory, which by that time most people bought off on it because the Banks Loved it, Science without God, they were Sold and Einstein made a ton of Money over the Deal, but the Image most People remember of those times is in Illustration 13.1: Albert Einstein's impression of General Relativity.

Albert Einsteins impression of General Relativity
Illustration 13.1: Albert Einstein's impression of General Relativity Full Size

It is Clear that Einstein did not believe in his own Theory nor should anyone else, but that is just using Logic and Reason, but few actually know the truth, the History books did not really talk about it, they just stated he lost his Mind as he grew Old, but who lost their Minds were the ones that believed his Insanity, but Trinary Science is not about Stupid Facts, as much as it is Intelligent ones, and the Goal of Trinary Science is the Truth, and this is the Truth about Einstein.

The Goal of Trinary Sanctuary is to save the World and as much of Life as it can now, and that Goal means that it has to be Global, which means I need to get all those People I just called Stupid on my Side, and you may think that was a bad Move on my Part, but just like Newton, I do not have time to play Games with your Emotions, you deal with them and I will deal with the Facts, and if that fact is that you are Stupid, then do, something about it, if you read this whole book and all the others I have written, you know what my goal is, but this Book is just about the Trinary Science, so keep this in mind, but know where it is going, this is just one Step into Science, and who would want to be part of it is a question I must ask each and every one on this Planet, if Money is really all you want then that is fine, Freewill will cost you your Life in the end, no getting around Karma, but there is not enough Money in the World to fix what is wrong with it now, Energy is the number one Problem, and Lightning collection will solve it overnight, but those Power Planets will not get built overnight, and there is not enough Money to build them if you could, so Trinary Sanctuary is the Future of Trinary Science, and you would think the People who believe God is Real would want to be a Part of this, but that would mean they have to let go of worshiping a Deity, because the Trinary Energy is real Power, it is the Higher Power, because Trinary Atoms make up everything in the Trinary Universe, so it can get People who want to join a Militia, and not a Military, we do not Fight, we defend Freedom from Money, and we will build these Power Stations, and make sure that the Energy is Free, the power companies will still want to charge you for using there Lines to get it, and that is fair, because Trinary Sanctuary is not trying to put them out of Business, its giving them Free Energy to sell as a Service, so it is all Profit for them, we will make all the Food and Water surplus available to the People who need it, which is everyone last time I counted, so yes Trinary Sanctuary does not allow Stupid People to work there, that is a lot of Power to have, and you do not allow Stupid People to Run it, you do not allow their Science, and Religion that is Destroying this Planet to exist there, they proved they can never get along with anyone that does not believe the same Stupid Stuff they do, so it is endless Stupid Wars, that are fought because People are too Stupid to understand that Insane People are in Charge, Money makes People Insane, the more you have the More Insanity you get away with, and that is another Stupid Fact, you teach people the Truth and allow them the Chance to make it Right, to build a Future where People can Survive the Ice Age, because its coming and that is just a Fact, you would have to be Stupid to deny it, but you would have to be Stupid to deny the Light without Darkness exist, what you call it does not change what it is, which is Power, Trinary Energy, but that Reality changes little if it does not change everything, but the sad part is that it is all up to each and every one of you to make this happens, all I can do is write about it, and I think I have said enough.

< Chapter 12

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