Trinary Science

Chapter 10.00
Trinary Life

C®pyRight & C©pyLeft

Jeffrey Scott Flesher

Medically Retired United States Air Force Staff Sergeant

Last Update: 27 January 2019

Rodney Hue Remelin


Chapter 10
Trinary Life

All Life in the Trinary Universe is Trinary Life, since all Life is created from Atoms, it is very clear that all Life in the Universe will be made of these same Atoms, and these Atoms create DNA, which all Life in the Trinary Universe have DNA, so all Life in the Trinary Universe will be a combination of DNA variations, meaning that all Life in the Trinary Universe is more alike than unalike.

What is Life?

You can never prove its is Biology, because without the Light of Life, there is no Life, and where does that Light come from, its Trinary Energy, but it is also Trinary Atoms, but like a Sperm Cell and Egg, the Light came from the Animal that they came from, and it is not something we do knowing that, its only something that you have to prove to yourself, that this Spark of Light really does exist, and that it gives Life to other Lives just like theirs, so the reason why I give up my Light was, so I can give my child Life, and that is the only reason any of my Children Survived, but the Darkside will always take those Lives for Money, so Money is Evil, because its Live Spelled backwards, that is what my Cousin Isaac Newton wrote, and when it comes to Live, he knew what that meant, it meant to be Alive and know why, and if you think that answer is in Alchemy, you will be as disappointed as Sir Isaac Newton was, when he discovered that it is not there, so the Philosophers Stone is not Alchemy, it is Electronics, but we were a few years from that invention in his time, in fact over a Century, or two or three, well over 333 years to be exact, and that is what Science is all about, so what changed since he discovered what Life was not?

Life is not Biology, its Electricity, and that much is clear with just one Electroencephalogram or EEG, and see your Brain Wave for the first time, after that you know you are Electricity, because that Light goes out and so do you, but a Heart Defibrillator can bring you back to Life, and that uses Electricity to do, so, so Biology must change to Trinary Science, only then will real breakthroughs be made in Science.

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