Trinary Science

Chapter 02.00
Trinary Logic

C®pyRight & C©pyLeft

Jeffrey Scott Flesher

Medically Retired United States Air Force Staff Sergeant

Last Update: 27 January 2019

Rodney Hue Remelin


Chapter 2
Trinary Logic

The Word Trinary means 3 State Logic, so to makes this as simple as possible, I will try to define all terms as I introduce a new concepts, so we will start with Logic, and there are 3 Types of Logic as seen in Table 2.1: Logic:

  1. Unary
  2. Binary
  3. Trinary
Table 2.1: Logic

When we look at logic levels it is easier to start with the last level of Logic first, so we have Trinary Logic, it has 3 State changes that are seen in Table 2.2 Logic States:

  1. +1: Positive
  2.  0: Neutral or Ground
  3. -1: Negative
Table 2.2: Logic States

State changes are not Fuzzy Logic Levels of: True, False and Fuzzy, Trinary Logic is Analog and not Digital, it is actually best view as a 3D graph as seen in below in Illustration 2.1: Trinary Logic 3D:

Trinary Science: 3D view Trinary Logic
Full Size Illustration 2.1: 3D view of Trinary Logic

All 3 State Changes can be graphed in 2D, so they are easier to visualize for those used to 2D graphs, see below Illustration 2.2: Trinary Logic 2D:

Trinary Science: 2D view of Trinary Logic
Illustration 2.2: 2D view of Trinary Logic Full Size

It should be clear from the Graph that all Logic flows like Electricity, this is the principle of Trinary Energy, which is Energy with this Trinary Logic to it, and this is the same type of Logic that operates our Brain, our Brain Waves look just like this, so it is how all Life on this Planet operates, all Life uses Trinary Logic to think.

Binary Logic is 2 State Logic, this is Analog and not Digital, so it is not True of False or 1 and 0, it is as seen in Table 2.3: Binary Logic:

  1. +1: Positive
  2. -1: Negative
Table 2.3: Binary Logic

It is basically the same as Trinary without a Neutral or Ground State, which is where the State Changes take place, so it is only aware of these 2 Logic Levels.

Unary Logic only has one State Change, and it will always be the State the Logic will equal, which is why I prefer to talk about this one last, because its easier to see that all Logic comes from this Unary Logic Level, what ever it decides is the correct Logic Level, it will change to that State and send it to the Binary Logic Level, and the Binary Logic Level will send that information to the Trinary Logic Level, so all these Logic Levels work together at the same time, one drives the other.

If we look back at the illustration for the 3D view of Trinary Logic, we will see that in the 0 State, which is the Center line of the Graph, we have a Unary Logic Level of -1, how this decision was made follows a set of rules called the Laws of Physics, and it is very predictable, Electronics is based on this Principle, this change then registers at the Binary and Trinary Logic Level, which drives the Logic Levels to follow a simple predictable pattern, as well as very complex wave forms, and Logic is the Level at which all State changes occur.

Logic is a State Change, one many State Changes it has depends on its Logic Level, Unary can only make one State change of +1 or -1, this decision is made by the State Changes that can be observed in: White Noise, Atoms and Light and other types of Energy, so something or someone is making this decision, in science we call this Trinary Logic, the Trinary Energy makes the first change that we can observe, it then changes the Atom, which includes the Proton, Neutron and Electron, and in the case of an Electron at a high enough frequency to transform into Light, so for every action that an Atom makes, a Local Decision has to be made before the change occurs, and we see that in White Noise, its state changes mimic those of the Atom it surrounds, and by studying White Noise either in Light or Audio, we will find it has Intelligence, we know it behaves differently when people are watching it, then when just Cameras are recording it, which is something you will have to see for yourself to believe it, so my point is that Trinary Logic is about the State Changes of something physical, and I am not talking about Logic Life forms use to think, not directly that is, physically this is the level that all thought comes from, but people can not relate to one Atom in their body, they have no way to communicate with their body on a Cellular level, not even with a Cell Phone, just a joke, as is the concept that we could communicate with one cell in our body, it would be information overload, we have trillions of atoms in our body, all of them make up molecules that create Cells, so the Logic must exist at this level to create those Cells, and that Logic is Trinary Logic, weather you are aware of it or not, you must understand that at the Atomic Level, all our Decisions are made for us without us even being aware of them, and it all starts with a Logic State Change.

Every Step in Science is done so by understanding one concept at a time, so in this Chapter we learned about Trinary Logic, it is the Foundation of Trinary Science, so we must understand it before we move on to the next step, which is about the Dimensions of Space where this Logic takes place. Trinary Logic can be seen with the Naked Eye in White Noise, it can be recorded with Electronic Equipment, it can be verified using both, so I state this as a Fact that is proven, and state this is not a Theory, so we need to be very clear about what I am saying Trinary Logic is, it is the Observable State change of all Energy: Atomic which includes the Electron turning into Light, and White Noise, that always appears to be controlling the Atoms, which I will talk about in chapters to come, so far we are only talking about the State Changes in White Noise only, I only gave examples of other types of State changes so you can see where I am going with this, this is Science, and we need to prove everything we say every step of the way.

In conclusion: Trinary Logic is made up of 3 types of Logic: Unary, Binary and Trinary, each State change can be seen in White Noise as it changes between 3 States: Solid, Semi-Solid and Invisible, the reason why these logic levels exist is due to Energy called Light, which has 3 types of Light, as well as the 3 Dimensions of Space that it exist, which I will talk about in later chapters, so one concept will build on top of another.

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