Trinary Energy controls atoms by changing their Frequency, which in turns changes their Acceleration, which is why if you use a Frequency Generator, you can push Electrons through a Material and cause that Material to catch on Fire, the Frequencies that every Atom catches of Fire should be documented, I will try to add a reference to this information once I compile it, I will call it Trinary Energy Fire Resonant Frequency Table, it will list all the information you might want to know about every Element in the Periodic Table of Elements, like its Atomic Number, Name, Symbol, Fire Resonant Frequency, Boiling point, Melting Point, Freezing Point, Density, Ionization Energy, Electronegativity, Vanderwaals Radius, and Covalenz Radius. This table can then be used to verify the Phenomena called Fire, so you can learn to fight Fires by lowering the Materials Atomic Frequency, kind of like a LASER Gun that burns things at this Fire Resonant Frequency or the Symbol F, you can create a Freeze Gun.
Fire is a specific type of Electromagnet Energy, it is invisible to the naked eye, yet its effects can be seen, the Energy is at a specific frequency, and every Element in the Periodic Table of Elements is a type of Neutrino, that has a known range and a specific frequency that it resonates at, and at a specific frequency the oscillations while cause the Atomic Particles to disintegrate, meaning that the Neutrinos will break their bonds and release the Light inside of them, not as explosive as an Atomic Explosion, because that is caused by particles accelerated close to the Speed of Light, which causes their Matter and Antimatter Neutrinos to come into contact with each other, Fire only causes the Shell of Neutrino Partials to go into the 0 Dimension, and then not come back, neutrinos detectors can verify this, thus releasing the energy that was stored inside the Atom.
You see this Fire as sparks given off of metal or steel when struck together at a high enough speed and force, as in Force = Mass of the object times its Acceleration, written: F = MA. If the Force is strong enough the Energy transforms molecular structure that it comes in contact with, into another type of molecular structure that is in the form of Gas, which can ignite making the spark have color, so flint was very popular in the old days, but an electronic spark will work just as good, since its cutting out the middle man, because when two objects collide at high speeds, they give off Energy, where Energy is equal to the resonance frequency (when that type of Element catches on Fire, use a look up table to get this information), such that: E = F - (F - x), the unit of Energy is based on the Atom itself when it gives up its Neutrino shell, which means it goes into the 0 Dimension, and never comes out, you may see this, you may not, but it depends on the type of Element we are talking about, most of us call it: Fire, Burning, Melting, and everything has a burning point called Fire for the lack of a better name, and why rename something that has a name that works fine, so get your Neutrino detectors out just to prove this, Fire is based on Trinary Science, and not some generic formula you apply to all Atoms regardless of type, but why go by weight, that has more to do with how many Neutrinos it takes to make an Atom of that type, for example Lead, it takes a lot of Neutrinos to make lead, that is why it is so heavy, and so is Uranium, so question is what type of Element makes the best Atomic Reaction, and it is the heavy ones, because they are the hardest ones to break, which is why lead hammers make good Hammers, because they do not give off sparks, because they are so hard to break because the Shell is very thick, so they form weak bounds with each other, which makes the materiel malleable, or soft, but do not make Uranium Hammers… This does not apply to Atomic Collisions, because you will get lead to make a spark in an Atomic Bomb or Atomic Accelerator, but you will never get any Element to accelerate to even near the Speed of Light, I know they say they can, but are we talking about Millions, Thousands or Hundreds of Miles per Second, because every Element in the periodic table of elements has a unique Fire Resonant Frequency, although Einstein based it on the Speed of Light, which is obviously wrong, because not all Elements Fire Frequency is the Speed of Light, all of them are much lower, Atomic Accelerators prove that, they can only accelerate them so fast before they burn up, and I do not want to use the term disintegrate because that means for atoms to lose their bonds with a molecule, and the molecule comes apart, but it does not mean it burned up on Fire. Each unit of Energy is equal to one Atom, so the mass means how many Atoms are in it, so mass is not weight as an object, which might contain many types of Atoms, so it is the amount of Atoms on a sliding chart of Elements in the Periodic Table of Elements, meaning that its based on their Fire Frequency, and the higher the frequency the higher the Energy, so it is based on how much Energy in a ration to the potential energy the Element has and how many of them there are in it, and that is not what Einstein said, so do not every confuse E = mc2 because that formula is not correct, it assumes the Mass can be anything and only cares about how much it weights, and it also assumes that you can accelerate anything up to the Speed of Light, not Near, but at it, then square that just so the number looks more scary, because that is why he did it, he even stated that in his notes, and he was not joking, the Mass times Acceleration is equal to Force, and that is Newtons Math for God that is All Light without Darkness, so Force can be transformed into Gravity, and E = F - (F - x) tells you actually how much Energy is consumed when you drop a known object from Space, and watch it burn up on reentry, that would not work with E = mc2 so who are we fooling, because Force, and Energy are related by a power curve: Force will increase as Energy Increases, it is a one for one relationship when its based on individual Atoms of a specific Element with a known Fire Resonant Frequency.
Normally Electromagnetic Energy is measured in terms of Frequency and Wavelength, Frequency times Wavelength equals the Speed of Light, but when talking in terms of a Resonant Frequency, we need a unit of measurement that is just one variable per element, this is a Constant for that element, so it does not make much sense to used its Frequency and Wavelength, since we are also talking about Atomic Structure and not just Electrons, but I do not have the equipment to find these numbers, but I know they exist, so instead of guessing at numbers, and also wanting some type of scale that had meaning, the Speed of Light is 670,616,629 Miles an Hour, I figure if I use that number as a maximum, then the Resonant Frequency would be measured in Miles an Hour, this relates Atoms to the Speed of Light in terms of Distance over Time, so it a real handy unit of time if you are using an Atomic Accelerator to find these Frequencies, but it is not a rate of Speed, but the Speed at which it will catch of Fire, its like thinking about an Earthquake in terms of its Energy, a 10 might describe a very large Earthquake, but in terms of Electromagnetic Energy I view this in terms of its Resonance Frequency, and that means the Rate at which it vibrates to the point that it catches fire, in terms of vibrations, this can be measured in Frequency and Wavelength, so it forces you to view Energy differently as well, since an Electron is also an Atom, yet it has this same problem, once it hits the Speed of Light, it is Light, and it is on Fire, that is what Fire is, Light, just a different type of Light then that of a Flashlight, but it is what White Light is, because the Sun Disintegrates Atoms by Burning everything it comes into contact with, so this unit of measurements is very useful, if I put a pole in the ground and measure it as not vibrating, I can say its x value is 0, if that pole is made of Steal, and if I put Steal in an Atomic Accelerator and it caught fire at 1 million miles an hour, since I have no idea what this number is, it is a guess, and Like I said I did not want to guess at these numbers, as such, if the pole vibrates at a thousand miles an hour, we know it is vibrating at about the same speed in which the Earth Rotates, this is far from the Frequency it will catch fire, but it is also a much larger Earthquake then a 10, since most Earthquakes are measured speeds less than a mile an hour, as such a 25-mile an hour vibration would feel like the impact of a 25-mile an hour crash into a brick wall, so now we have some unit that equates to Energy, and its easy to see that at the Speed of Light, everything will be on fire, so it is an easy number to understand. Just to be Clear about Fire, when x is at 0, where x is the Resonant Frequency of an Object at a given time, its temperature is going to be freezing, as its Frequency and Wavelength change as the object is sped up to 1/1000 the speed of Light, 670,616 miles an hour, which faster than the Sun can travel through the Universe, so put these speeds into perspective, the only time will want to know the Energy level of something that is close the speed of Light, is when we are dealing with Atomic Explosions, even Chemical Explosions are causing Neutrino detectors to go off, so they too are Atomic Explosions, so short of an Atomic Accelerator or Explosion, in nature we will never deal with an x value even close to 1/1000 the speed of Light, so when dealing with speed close to the speed of Light, just keep in mind that they will catch fire before turning to Light. We already travel through the Universe at the Speed of Light, so if you could travel at the Speed of Light, all you will really be doing is catching up to the Light that is Static in the Universe, so you know that all you will do is become that Light.
How fire is started is always due to the Atom vibrating at a given Fire Resonant Frequency, what cause it can be many things: friction, chemical, thermal, electrical, electromagnetic and many other types of Energies that can transform into Fire, like striking a match, its caused by Friction reacting to a Chemical reaction, but in all cases its Atomic Structure is being Modified, to what degree is a measurement of temperature, which is an Electronic Measurement of the Fire Resonant Frequency of an object before and after it catches on Fire, so it is the Energy which is equal to Fire Resonant Frequency times its mass, and it is as simple as that, easy to prove, has practical applications if you are interested in knowing how much energy something can produce, now you can calculate it down to the very Atom, and that is precision, so Trinary Science is based on real world applications.
Any time thermal reaction is created you know that Atoms have burned up, in the case of Electronics, Electrons have burned up, and you used that energy after it burned up, which causes the material that is carrying the energy to heat up, this is the basic laws of Thermal Dynamics, work equals force, force is equal to the mass times its Acceleration, the faster the Acceleration the higher the Frequency, thus more force, so Acceleration is equal to Frequency, and in electronics that is how we control the Force, knowing this we can create heated blankets and electric stoves, we understand the effects of Fire, all we need to do now is understand that it is only Electricity, every Atom in the Periodic Table of Elements can conduct Electricity, which is just free electrons that are passing around all the atoms in a material, even Elements that are said not to conduct electricity and are called Insulators, if you pass enough Energy through it, it will pass that Energy on, trust me on that test, insulators only work up to a certain threshold of Energy, so it is import to use the correct formula for Energy.
The amount of Energy used depends on the substrate the Electrons are flowing through, this can also create a Chemical Reaction, which is just an Atoms reacting to each other, so what most people would view as a simple experiment like Lighting a Match, you can use an Electrical Spark, which is just Electricity at a give Frequency and Energy ample enough to cause the material in the match to burn, which means that all its Atoms that the Electrons come into contact with, will excite the Atoms to the same frequency causing it to catch fire if it is at its Fire Resonant Frequency or greater, how much greater will determine how long it will take to catch fire and how hot it will burn, again the formula E = F - (F - x) explains that the higher the frequency the more Energy it will produce meaning more Heat for the Fire, as the Atoms Transform into a Gas, the Gas will then Burn, so the more Gas the Material produces, the hotter the flame will be, so it comes down to Chemical Reactions, as well as Electron Frequencies that are flowing through the material and causing the fire to spread, so if you lower the frequency by shorting it out with Water, or cooling it down, which also lowers its frequency, you can also put out the Gas fire by starving it Oxygen that has a Chemical Reaction to it, thus you can alter the Frequency by slowing down or stopping the Chemical Reaction.
E = F - (F - x), where E is Energy, and F is the Fire Resonant Frequency of the Atoms in the Mass, which is the point where the Atom goes critical, meaning it burns or catches fire. What I know about this formula is that it came to me a while back, years ago in fact, I had no way to confirm it, and I have another issue with it, this assumes all the Atoms in the Mass go Critical, and I know that this Resonant Frequency can be found, I just do not have access to the equipment I need to find them, so I am stuck. I also do not know if I need to take the Wave-Length and multiply it by F, that thought will drive me crazy, because I know it will equal the Speed of Light, I might as well square it and be back to Einsteins original mistake, so what would be the point unless I normalized it first, by subtracting the actual frequency from F, which will give me an offset of frequency required for the Atom to go Critical, then multiplying that by the wave-length of the actual frequency, I should get a number that equals the amount of Energy being used at that point.
This formula should work good for Atomic Bombs, because it is a given that all the Atoms will go Critical, but in Electronic Circuits this is not the case, the ones that go critical will give off heat, those that do not will stay in the circuit, so this math formula is too simple to take that into account, it is a generic formula and should be much better than E = mc2, but it is in a unit of measurement few are familiar with, and that is 1 Atomic unit, how much Energy can 1 Atom create.
As an after thought I wonder if I should call this Critical Resonant Frequency or CRF for short, my mind works with words and spells in a very unusual way, Fire goes back in history, but Critical is more Science like, we would not say we are going to start a Critical Mass, that sounds like an Atomic Explosion, we would say I am going to start a Fire, but in reality I am talking about the Point that the Atom Resonates will cause it to explode, or go Critical, so it is a more accurate term.
In reality, you would want to put this formula into an iteration function, and feed in the Frequencies in real time as they change, so you would end up with something like in Illustration 7.7: Math Function Formula for Fire Resonant Frequency.
It may work out better to use the offset, where x is the frequency the Atom is at, like in Illustration 7.8: Math Formula for Fire Resonant Frequency.
The closer x is to F the closer to 0 you are, at 0 you just have F, if x is less than F then the Energy will also be less, that is a given, if the Atom is frozen, it will have a very small frequency, thus reducing the Energy, this is what we want, because we know that is the truth, the more excited the Atom is the more Energy it puts out.
To make this simple: here is the Energy Calculator in Table 2.11: Energy Calculator to test out the Formula; Where:
I could never wrap my head around E = mc2, it does not take into account what type of Atom is in the mass, and assumes it will go critical at the speed of Light, which it will way before then, so how does this formula work? That bug me for most of my life, and I thought about it till I came up with a solution that actually works, but the unit of Energy had to be in Atoms, so you might be tempted to convert this to some other unit of Energy, but in reality, this is the unit of Energy that everyone should be using, grant you the numbers will be very large, but if you could chart out all the known Energy levels of every Atom, you would have the information you need to improve this math, but the unit of that math will always be in Atoms or the Mass of them, and the type of Atom will determine how much energy is produced, but knowing the Frequencies that every Atom goes critical will give you a baseline for all Energy Levels, because the offset will take into account the Energy an Atom can produce, the closer F is to the Speed of Light, the more Energy it can store up, so it is a numbers game, the higher F is the higher the Energy yield, so this knowledge is critical to the understanding of Energy.
Without knowing how much energy is in 1 Atom, knowing that every Atom will have a different amount of Energy in it, I am just guessing at the relationship, until I can actually collect the data that I need this is just a guess at best, but I do know that Energy has to do with how many Atoms you have, and what frequency they are at, and that is what this formula does is calculate it.
I do not know if Math is your thing, but you know enough about it to do this math, its very simple and you know Electricity as well as most people, you are using it more than likely, so think about this, if you take 1 Atom, which we do not currently have the Technology to do this, but imagine if you could, an Atom includes: Proton, Neutron and Electron, and its mostly the Electrons that we deal with in Electricity, the Atoms are just the Conductor, so 1 Electron is a know quantity, we know how much energy 1 Electron has, but we can not isolate it, nor can we measure it with our current technology, at least none that I know about, but it that is out there, its top secret, because no one is talking about, so we have dealt with the Technology of today, so we just do it in quantity and try to figure out how that relates to 1 Atom. We know that quantity is the key to power, the more Electrons, the more Energy, but think about it from the Electrons point of View, it is made of Neutrinos, the problem with this experiment is that it takes a lot of Neutrinos to set off a Neutrino Detector, but still, if Technology is available that can detect the Neutrinos that will be freed when the Atom reaches its Fire Resonant Frequency, we can prove this, but I know that experiment has been done many times, so I know it is just a fact, but still, I am talking about 1 Atom, and modern technologies is not there yet, but my point is, that they do not need to be, we know when you destroy an Atom, Neutrinos are detected, that is a fact in science, so we know Atoms are created from Neutrinos, just because Mainstream Science does not acknowledge that, does not mean it is not proven, because it is, so wrap you mind around what I am saying, Fire is the Point were Atoms are being Destroyed, Neutrino detectors have verified this, the evidence is clear, the atomic structure of what ever it is that burned is gone, dust, ashes, gas leaves no trails, poof, its gone, we Atoms do get destroyed, and in Electronic circuitry they do all the time, which is why it is so hard to get Neutrino detectors to work above ground, because there is too many Atoms being destroyed, it overwhelms the detectors, yet we know enough to know this is the truth about Energy. If we take an Atom, and look at it when its Frozen, its Frequency is very low, if we apply a Frequency to it, it will warm up, if we increase it to the point it melts, it will transform into another type of material, this is more at the Molecular level, since at the Atomic level I am only talking about 1 Atom, and it does not Melt, nor does it Freeze, so keep that in mind, the Atom is just there, well it is there most of the time, it is constantly shifting from Solid, Semi-Solid and Invisible, and if it turns invisible and does not come back, that Atom is Destroyed, and its Light will be given off as Energy, this is what Energy is and how it works. So if measure this Frequency of the Atom from the lowest to the highest we can vibrate it, because that is all the Frequency is, is a Vibration, and that Atom can only take so much, if you increase it high enough it will turn into a Photon, that is what Electrons do in a Flashlight, the Electrons frequency is raised to the Frequency of Light, if a Neutrino detector can detect the Neutrino from the Flashlight, you know that the Electron was destroyed, but normally I do not thing that is what happens, because you can collect that Light and turn them back into Neutrinos, so understand this concept, Atoms transform into Energy, do not confuse Atoms with Molecules. Energy is equal to the frequency at which that Atom will go critical, at which point the Atom is destroyed, minus the frequency that it is at, this is the offset, the closer it gets to 0, the more Energy the Atom will put out, so we minus that offset from the frequency it does critical and times that by the mass of Atoms, and you have the total amount to Energy for each Atom in the Mass, and its just that simple, so wrap your mind around Energy and you can calculate it with ease.